Disable the Label is a non-profit and provides a free app to empower, support and provide information to parents of disabled children. It does this through a Directory, which consists of 8 categories; Clothing, Equipment, Funding, Hobbies, Holidays, Sports, Support and Therapy. Within these categories are charities, businesses and organisations that provide various different services for parents of disabled children and their child. They will be able to head straight to find out more about what is available locally to them and across the country.
The app will also have free podcasts, with episodes talking to various different people and professionals about their experience or knowledge on many different subject relating to children with disabilities. We soon hope to also include a members area for parents, which will provide them with Webinars, Q&A’s and Guides all on specific key subjects that they have asked for more information on.
This is an app that parents have been calling out for and we are run purely by the support of those around us, so if you would like to be part of the app, directory or podcast or would like to sponsor us please email info@disablethelable.co.uk